
sponge cake recipe

sponge cake recipe

    cake-sponge cake recipe easy-sponge cake- sponge cake chocolate-sponge cake method-how to make a sponge cake

    cake-sponge cake recipe easy-sponge cake- sponge cake chocolate-sponge cake method-how to make a sponge cake
    sponge cake
    • 10 eggs
    • 200 grams sugar
    • 340 grams flour
    • 2 tablespoon starch
    • 1 teaspoon baking powder
    • Quarter teaspoon vanilla
    • 1 tbsp emulsifiers Colco(محسن الكيك) generation
    • 120 ml of water
    cooking method for a sponge cake:
    • Beat eggs and sugar in the machine for 3 minutes.
    • Stir enhanced with water and then added to the servo then batters amount to 10 minutes.
    • Mix the flour with the backing powder and vanilla.
    • Then added to the mixture and stir gently by hand or Aspatolh.
    • And hurt in a tray  24 or 26 cm.
    • And enters the oven for 35:40 minutes at 180
    • To work Sponge chocolate is added 3 tablespoon of cocoa with the flour.
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